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‣ Speaking Module                                                                                                                                          
IELTS Speaking exam has 3 main parts and you can take the exam separately either on the same day or on a different day.

IELTS practice Speaking test - part 1

In part 1 of the Speaking test, the examiner will introduce him or herself and ask general questions on familiar topics.

The examiner will ask you to confirm your identity. He or she will then ask general questions on familiar topics such as home, family, work, studies and interests. Part 1 of the test will last 4-5 minutes.

How to practise

You will need a study partner to practise the Speaking test. Ask your study partner to interview you using the questions below. Record yourself if you can.

Speaking test part 1: questions

Let’s talk about your home town or village:

  • what kind of place is it?

  • what’s the most exciting part of your town/village?

  • what kind of jobs do the people in your town/village do?

  • would you say it’s an excellent place to live? (why?)

Let’s move on to talk about accommodation:

  • tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in.

  • how long have you lived there?

  • what do you like about living there?

  • what sort of accommodation would you most like to live in?

Listen to the audio: 

IELTS practice Speaking test - part 2

In the IELTS speaking part 2 test you will be given a task card on a particular topic, and this will include key points that you should talk about. 

This section of the Speaking test gives you the opportunity to speak for longer on a topic. You will be given one minute to prepare to talk about the topic on the task card.  A pencil and paper will be provided for you to make notes.

You will have to talk for 1-2 minutes, and then the examiner will ask you one or two questions on the same topic. Part 2 takes 3-4 minutes in total.

How to practise

Ask your study partner to listen while you speak about the task card topic. You should talk for 1-2 minutes. Your study partner should then ask you one or two questions on the same topic using the rounding-off questions. Record yourself if you can.

Speaking test part 2: candidate task card

Describe something you own which is very important to you. You should say:

  • where you got it from

  • how long you have had it

  • what you use it for; and 

  • explain why it is important to you.

You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Rounding off questions

Tell me

  • is it valuable in terms of money?

  • would it be easy to replace?

Listen to the audio:

IELTS practice Speaking test - part 3

In part 3 of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask further questions which are connected to the topics discussed in part 2. 

This part of the test is designed to give you the opportunity to talk about more abstract issues and ideas. It is a two-way discussion with the examiner and will last 4-5 minutes.

How to practise

Ask your study partner to prompt your practice test discussion using the questions below. Try to speak as naturally and fluently as possible. Record your discussion if you can.

Let’s consider first of all how people’s values have changed. 

  • What kind of things gives status to people in your country? 

  • Have things changed since your parents’ time? 

Finally, let’s talk about the role of advertising. 

  • Do you think advertising influences what people buy?

Listen to the audio:

For more samples, you can check the YouTube videos below.

IELTS practice Speaking test - part 1 Take IELTS
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IELTS practice Speaking test - part 2 Take IELTS
00:00 / 01:49
IELTS practice Speaking test - part 3 Take IELTS
00:00 / 02:58
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